Monday, May 11, 2009


     I've had some good times since my last post.  Got to hang out with Evan Bovee.  It was good to see him, and I'm excited to hang out with him again in a few weeks when we play Springfield, MO.  Kate and I skipped the Jason Mraz show and just hung out.  That was probably the best decision of my week.  I always have a great time when I'm with that girl.  Thursday I packed a bunch of friends in the van and we headed to Lawrence, KS to see NFG with Bayside, Set Your Goals, and Fireworks.  NFG played for well over an hour and didn't play a single bad song.  It was a great show.  Last night I went to Omaha with  my brother and some friends to see Wicked.  It was absolutely amazing.  We went to Old Chicago and got some food and drinks after the show got out.
     The band has been stressing me out lately.  Between single-handedly booking our month long June tour to the West coast and spending all of the money I have, and some I don't have (I had to sell my bass cab) to order new t-shirts and reorder our CDs, I've just been going crazy.  I feel like I'm not getting any help at all.  So it goes.  We've got a few things in the works that might turn out to be good for us, so I just need to keep it together and get through this.  
     Guess that's about it.  Nothing fun specifically planned for this week, but I'm sure something will come up.


Sunday, May 3, 2009

...and then Kate called me out.

So now you get another update.  It's been just over a month since my last blog.  Here's what you've missed:

We went on a short, week-long tour through the Midwest.  Didn't really make  much money, but we had a KILLER time!!!  :)  Lots of fun and friends in the Midwest

I can run again (kind of)!!!  My IT band is still really tight, but I've been  stretching, strengthening, and using the TriggerPoint on it (this stuff is AWESOME), and now I can run pain free for about 30 minutes.  Slowly but surely, I guess

Because of said injury, I was unable to run the Lincoln Marathon today, but I went out to cheer on all my friends.  It kind of bummed me out being around all the excitement but not being a part of it.  However, I saw my friends go through some amazing and heart wrenching things today:  Kate ran the half really fast and hit her goal time!  Ginni ran her first marathon in 3:31 and qualified for Boston!  Ben, founder of Market to Market, killed the half with a PB 1:27!  My training buddy, Jorge, had a bad day - he's a new daddy :) - but still ran a 2:53 marathon!  Mark's legs shut down around mile 22, forcing him to mostly walk the rest of the race.  I saw him break down in tears after crossing the finish line, only to learn later that he was on pace to run 3:25 before mile 22, but ended up running 3:34 and missing his qualifying time by 4 minutes.  

This week I'll be seeing Jason Mraz (yeah, you read that right, Barrett) and The Plain White Tees with Kate.  Mraz is a little chill for my tastes, but he's growing on my.  Plus, I've always wanted to be just like Barrett.  That show is on Tuesday.  

I'll stay in Omaha Tuesday night and drive to Ames, IA to pick up our new trailer.

Thursday night I'm heading to Lawrence, KS with some friends to see New Found Glory, Bayside, and Set Your Goals!!!  Can you tell which show I'm more excited to see?  Ahaha.  However, I'm more excited to go with Kate on Tuesday than with the pop punk friends on Thursday, so it all evens out.  :)

Friday?  Maybe a date...maybe.

Saturday I work all day.  15 hours.  As usual.

Sunday just might bring a long bike with Jorge.  Looking forward to getting out on the bike more now that the weather is getting nice.  

Guess I have a busy week, but I'm looking forward to all of it.  Other than that, it's been business as usual.  Booking our June tour to the West Coast is stressing me out.  Working too much.  Not working out as much as I'd like.  Finished reading Once a Runner.  Good book.  Started reading Slapstick by Vonnegut.  So it goes.